
SD-39 Cystex

For Ovarian Cysts




SD-39 Cystex

Empowering Ovarian Cysts and Well-being with SD-39 CYSTEX


SD-39 CYSTEX: A homeopathic remedy for affections of ovarian cysts and tumors. Provides beneficial action in cases of inflammation, reducing pain, swelling, and discomfort. Supports the body’s healing process for improved ovarian health.

Dosage and Administration:

  • For adults, the recommended dosage is 20 drops three times a day, unless otherwise prescribed. Children should take 10 drops three times a day.
  • If pediatric dosing is required, please consult your healthcare practitioner. Each bottle contains 20 ml of liquid for oral administration, containing the active ingredients in the strengths listed under the description.


  • Lachesis D30
  • Lycopodium D30
  • Palladium D12
  • Saxifraga D30
  • Vespa Crabron D12

Warnings and Precautions:

While this medicine is a safe and effective solution, it is important to consider the following warnings and precautions:
If symptoms persist, it is strongly advised to contact a licensed healthcare practitioner for further evaluation and guidance.
Individuals with known sensitivity to any of the ingredients present in this medicine should consult their licensed healthcare practitioner before use.
As with all medications, it is essential to keep this out of reach of children to prevent accidental consumption.
Please note that individual experiences may vary, and it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if this medicine is suitable for you. Reclaim your sexual vitality and unlock a new level of well-being with this medicine.
Please note that individual experiences may vary, and it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if this medicine is suitable for you. Reclaim your sexual vitality and unlock a new level of well-being with this medicine.


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